Old Shop


Check out our cafepress store!

For long time readers of nonpretentious, you may be wondering about all of the ads on our site (or, you are viewing with adblock on…).

Why are we selling out? Mostly because we need to eat. A creative mind needs nourishment. (We also need to pay for our server.)

No, but, for real.

Whether we want to be full-time bloggers or simply do this in our spare time, all of the contributors want to run nonpretentious as a full-time blog.

In order to do this, we must make the same humble plea that some of our predecessors in the blogosphere made.

While we know you’d love to donate all that extra cash you have and send it our way… (sarcasm intended), we decided that a “donate” button with a link to our paypal account (in Switzerland) probably wouldn’t motivate you to donate to us.

(Though if it does, let us know and we’ll send you a quick link to our paypal account.)

Instead, we’ve decided to help you spend your money on things you need and/or want.

Therefore, we’ve posted ads to products, brands, and online stores that we like and that you can use. (We’ll try to keep a running list of the affiliate programs we belong to here.¹)

This way, if you happen to be browsing our site and you want to make a purchase (e.g. if you need notebooks, vitamin water, or pet supplies), you can use the links on nonpretentious (banners or buttons) to start your browsing session and make your purchase.

See? You’ll hardly even notice you did a good deed (…until you get tons of thank you cards from nonpretentious writers!)

Our Stores

Similarly, nonpretentious is in the process of building stores for each contributor. (The stores are being built slowly but steadily. If we’re missing your favorite contributor’s store just let us know.)

From the stores, you can buy items that nonpretentious promotes, talks about, owns, or longs.

When you browse Amazon.com by way of a contributor’s store, anything you buy during your shopping spree will directly support that contributor. (After we pay for our server….)

If you have any questions about the ways you can show your (financial) support for nonpretentious and/or if you have other ideas or suggestions, please send us an e-mail.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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